The company’s priority is to produce high-quality, zero-defect and environmentally friendly products.
To pursue this ambitious objective, P.G.A. has adopted internal company processes complying with the most important industrial reference standards for the protection of the environment and aimed at maximising the level of quality offered and, at the same time, allowing the company to provide products that do not contain any hazardous substances.
Here are reference standards with which P.G.A. complies:

ISO 9001 defines the criteria for a quality-management system. This standard is based on a number of quality-management principles, including a strong focus on the customer, motivation and involvement of company management, process approach and continuous improvement.

P.G.A. products comply with the IPC-A-610E-2010 class 2 standard regarding the acceptability of electronic assemblies.

The Directive 2002/95 / EC on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances (RoHS) came into force in 2006. It has been replaced by the 2011/65 / EU (RoHS-II) Directive, which came into force in 2011. The RoHS regulation applies to certain electrical and electronic equipment introduced to the European market.

Regulation (EC) n. 1907/2006 of the European Parliament of the Council of December 18th, 2006 concerning the registration, evaluation, authorisation and restriction of chemical substances (REACH) came into force on June 1st, 2007. The chemicals involved in the regulation are updated several times a year.

In politically unstable geographic areas, armed groups employ forced labour to extract minerals and sell them in order to finance their illegal activities, such as the purchase of weapons. Minerals such as tin, coltan, gold and tungsten belonging to the category of the so-called ‘conflict minerals’ are often found in electronic components. P.G.A., constantly informing its supply chain with the aim of raising awareness, exclusively purchases electronic components from suppliers that import these metals and minerals only from responsible sources.
Download Conflict Minerals Statement
Conflict Minerals Website

P.G.A. applies a product traceability system that provides a clear understanding of the various steps of the production process.
This allows the company to produce high-quality products compliant with regulations, while implementing clear industrial processes and applying punctual, quick and effective interventions in the case of possible defects.